Women’s Studies
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGSS Commitment to Action: WGSS is dedicated to linking inquiry and action, theory and practice, scholarship and feminism. We work with our colleagues in Africana Studies, American Studies, and the Barnard Center for Research on Women to develop analyses and practices that address the current moment, including scholarly discussions (examples here and here), student projects with local communities, videos on transformative justice, and the work of fellows in the BCRW Social Justice Institute.

Courses That Make the Connections: WGSS is a member of the Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies (CCIS), along with Africana Studies and American Studies. CCIS courses model collaboration, community, and interdisciplinarity. With our colleagues in CCIS we work to hold our College to its pledge to continue to diversify our community equitably and to offer our students a curriculum that engages intellectual risk-taking and discovery.

Spotlight on Faculty Research:
Neferti Tadiar, “Why the Question of Palestine is a Feminist Concern”: “During our weeklong investigative trip, we were witness to multiple and varied testimonies to and clear evidence of the daily acts of violence, harassment and humiliation that Palestinians are subjected to, both massive and intimate.” Read the full article here.