Manijeh Moradian
Manijeh Moradian is assistant professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University. She received her PhD in American Studies from NYU and her MFA in creative nonfiction from Hunter College, City University of New York. She is the former co-director of the Association of Iranian American Writers. Her research focuses on political cultures of the Iranian diaspora in the U.S., tracing generational shifts in transnational activism and cultural production across the historical arc of U.S.-Iran relations. Her methodological approach takes seriously memory, affect and emotion as an archive of marginalized knowledges, gendered histories and diasporic identity formations that can disrupt assimilation and produce alternatives to heteronormative model minority subjectivity. Her book, This Flame Within: Iranian Revolutionaries in the United States (Duke University Press, 2022) won the 2024 Hamid Naficy Book Award for the best book in Iranian Diaspora Studies from the Association of Iranian Studies and the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies. The book also received an Honorable Mention for the 2023 Middle East Studies Association Nikki Keddie Book Award. Her essays and articles have appeared in Hyperallgeric, Radical History Review, Journal of Asian American Studies, American Quarterly, Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties, Scholar & Feminist online, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Comparative Studies of South Asian, Africa, and the Middle East, Social Text online, jadaliyya.com, and Callaloo. She is a founding member of the Raha Iranian Feminist Collective and a member of the Feminists For Jina Global Network.
Her research focuses on political cultures of the Iranian diaspora in the U.S., tracing generational shifts in subjectivity, transnational activism, and cultural production across the historical arc of U.S.-Iran relations. Her methodological approach takes seriously memory, affect and emotion as an archive of marginalized knowledges, gendered histories and diasporic identity formations that can disrupt assimilation and produce alternatives to heteronormative model minority subjectivity.
Introduction to Women's Studies Fall 2019
Senior Seminar: Knowledge, Practice, Power Fall 2020
Affect and Activism
Gender, Globalization and Empire
National Women's Studies Association
American Studies Association
Association of Asian American Studies, West Asian American section secretary
Iranian Studies Association
Middle East Studies Association
Book Chapter:
“Iranian Diasporic Possibilities: Tracing Transnational Feminist Genealogies from the Revolutionary Margins,” The Global 1979 Revolution: The Iranian Revolution After Forty Years, Cambridge University Press, July 2021.
“The Iranian Student Movement and the Making of Global 1968.” Co-authored with Afshin Matin-asgari in Martin Klimke, ed. Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties. New York: Routledge, March 2018.
Peer-reviewed Articles:
“Reading Fannie Lou Hamer in Tehran: The Queer Art of Afro-Asian Solidarity.” Scholar and Feminist Online. Barnard Center for Research on Women. Forthcoming, January 2018.
“‘Women can do anything men can do’: Gender and the Affects of Solidarity in the U.S. Iranian Student Movement (1965-1979).” Women’s Studies Quarterly. Fall-Winter 2014.
“The Islamic Republic Loves OWS: Is This What Solidarity Looks Like?” Fall 2012.
Social Text online.
“In Search of Iran: Resistant Melancholia in Iranian American Memoirs of Return.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East (2011) 31(2): 487-497.
“New Middle Eastern Uprisings: Gender, Class, and Security Politics in Egypt and Iran.” March 2011. Social Text online.
"Iranian Diasporic Possibilities: Tracing Transnational Feminist Genealogies from the Revolutionary Margins." Global '79, Arang Keshavarzian and Ali Mirsepassi, eds. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2021.