Marisa Solomon
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office Hours
Solomon’s work looks at the durability of racism and its many material forms: toxicity’s movement through soil and bodies, the placement of landfills, waste infrastructure, and the technocratic planning and management of Black life and death. Attentive to the ways coloniality and anti-blackness are sedimented into the landscape, her work focuses on how Black improvisation with waste's form and meaning upend environmental thinking—including the raced, classed, and gendered stewards to whom the earth supposedly belongs. She has published on the materiality of waste and anti-Black histories of urban planning and gentrification in the Journal of International Labor and Working-Class History. She is the co-director of the Black Atlantic Ecologies project at the Columbia University Center for the Study of Social Difference, where she is affiliated with the Earth Institute.
Ph. D., Anthropology, The New School for Social Research
M.A., Anthropology, The New School for Social Research
B.A., Anthropology & Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
- Black Marxist Feminism
- Queer of Color Critique/Queer Theory
- Feminist/Intersectional Science Studies
- Standpoint Epistemologies
- Racial (and Ecological) Injury
- Black Geographies
Feminist Theory, Fall 2020
Critical Approaches, Spring 2021
"'The Ghetto is a Gold Mine': The Racialized Temporality of Betterment". Journal of International Labor and Working-Class History. (95): 76-94. (Spring 2019)
"Black Grammar: Repertoires of abolition's future, present, and past." Social Scientific Quarterly, 1-6 (2021) [co-authored with Christopher Paul Harris]
Waste is not a Metaphor for Racist Dispossession: The Black Feminist Marxism of Marisa Solomon. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory and Technoscience, 7(2): 1-5 (2021). [Interviewed by Zoë Wool]
Ecologies Elsewhere: Flyness, fill and Black women’s fugitive matter(s). Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies. (Forthcoming 2022)